UPDATED Archive-It.org digital archive
Thanks to a generous $500 donation we were able to re-subscribe for another year to the Archive-It service. This week we started in on the next batch of archiving!
We have added two more Collections to the archive. Here are all of the work-in-progress Collections so far:
Books by Frank Moore
This will eventually be a complete collection of Frank’s books (in PDF format) that have been published to date.
Frank Moore’s Web of All Possibilities
This is the archive of Frank’s web site eroplay.com. This collection is not quite finished yet and you may find some missing content.
Frank Moore - Frankly Speaking on Substack
This will be the complete collection of Frank’s writing that we have posted on the Frankly Speaking Substack through 2025.
The Frank Moore Archive - eroplay.org
This will be the complete collection of blog posts that we have posted on The Frank Moore Archives Substack through 2025.
We have at least one more Collection we will adding later this year: the complete Frank Moore Photo Archive featuring all of the slides, prints and digital photos that we will be sending to The Bancroft Library in 2025. We are currently in the process of scanning all of the approximately 11,000 slides and prints.
Archive-It collections use the Wayback Machine to display website archives. If you are unfamiliar with the Wayback Machine, after you click on a link to view a page, a calendar will open where you can select an archive to view. The date/s when an archive was created is highlighted with a light blue dot. Click on one of the dots to open the archive. Please note that Wayback Machine archives take longer to fully open than a normal web page.
When you are browsing any of the digital archives, if you want to return to the list you started with, you can either use the back arrow on your browser or you can click on the title of the Collection in the banner along the top of the page:
When you are browsing an archive, if you run into a blank window like this, there is an embedded video that has not been archived.
You can still access the video by scrolling down inside that window and clicking on “Live Web”. That will open the video on The Internet Archive.
At this time, you may run into sections of these archives that are incomplete or missing.
See the original post here: