The GEnie Files 1992 - PART 2
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Category 8, Topic 18
Message 75 Sun Jan 26, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 23:09 EST
Oh, well! I put Gorky’s through changes…tried to make me eat in the corner…I politely cited the civil rights law…and kept sitting where I was. But, anyway, it WAS good food. Getting older everyday.
Category 8, Topic 18
Message 76 Mon Jan 27, 1992
MODEM.MOM [Diane] at 01:51 EST
Real grease, Shaman Frank!?! ROFL!
BTW, why did the people at Gorky’s try to move you to a corner table?
Category 8, Topic 18
Message 77 Mon Jan 27, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 04:30 EST
Gee, Diane, I’ve had a hard time talking to you tonight. First, when I was answering your question, genie hung up on me…saying I was idle too long…how rude! Guess too long between ENTERings. Then I overshot your question about my being a talkative “nonverbal” person [I pushed too many CRs.] Anyway, back to Gorky’s. You must understand that when I eat, I slobber and wear a bib…and have a beard…that is just how I eat. We need to go back a day before GORKY’S. We were having breakfast at DUKE’S. We had eaten there a lot of times before. But that day the host, a sweet gay guy, asked me to eat facing the wall because some people complained. Now, besides everything else, the whole thing is to see the stars…and of course, I’m a star…after breakfast, I called the civil rights commission. They were eager to take the case. But I wanted to give DUKE’S one more chance. So the next morning, we went into DUKE’S [my pointer on my head, ready for confrontation], and sat facing the people. When the gay guy again asked me to turn around, I said, “It is like telling a black to sit in the back of the bus.” A lightbulb went on in him…it was clear he had faced discrimination himself. He said, “Exactly. You can sit anyway you want.”……………so that night we ate dinner at GORKY’S. The manager came up and said I must move into the corner because my wheelchair was blocking the aisle [it wasn’t]. I said, “Are you saying I’ve to move because I’m in a wheelchair?...Because if you are, there are laws…” I was seeing BIG BUCKS! He left me alone.
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 35 Tue Jan 28, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:46 EST
Wow! And that’s even before the performance. And we’ve found the magic even works on the job. Mike works at a graphic design office on Union St. When he started working with me in the apprenticeship, I told him to tell his boss that he couldn’t work overtime, needed a half day off, and needed to be free to tour with me. Not only did his boss go for it, although it was unheard of in that high pressure scene….but three years later, the whole office has adopted the free style…and is getting a lot more work done…his boss keeps hugging and kissing Mike. Moreover, she has a shamanistic teacher of her own.
Category 3, Topic 7
Message 38 Sun Feb 02, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 23:59 EST
Jim, that’s true…in my work, the people who think they are “open”, or “liberated” are often the ones who have problems, who freeze up…while the people who think they are inhibited often have an easier time of falling into the trance of child play…maybe because they have less picture images to protect…they don’t have to prove how cool or hip they are. My cast is usually made up of my shamanistic apprentices who have been in my training anywhere from two months to five years…so they are fully involved in the magic in their lives. An exception to this is when I tour and the person who is bringing me in gets me a local actor. Often this actor is from the sex business…these almost always freak out because…although she’d have no problem having sex if that is what I wanted…the vulnerability and playfulness that I’m after would strip her to her humanness.
Category 3, Topic 7
Message 39 Sun Feb 03, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 03:30 EST
I’m back. As for the “audience” being ready for the physical playing, the structure of the performance allows each person to decide at every point to what degree of participation he wants. In the past, from half to ¾ of the people would leave halfway through…but recently most/all have been staying and playing. As for sleazy people…they leave [if they come at all] out of boredom because the slowness of the timeframe of the ritual [5-8 hours (I’ve done 48-hour pieces)].
Jim, if you e-mail me your address, I’ll mail you an info packet about what I do. [and that goes for anyone.]
Jim, I’m interested in knowing more about what you do.
Do you know of anywhere in Connecticut where I could perform? Besides the Oakland piece, I’m doing a double bill with Johanna Went at L.A.C.E, in L.A. in May or June…and also a special weekend intensive outside of Chicago in the spring.
Category 9, Topic 35
Message 52 Tue Feb 04, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 03:30 EST
I want to expand the concept of censorship. Diane, Stavros, complex, deep stuff…which just pours out of him. When he started working with me 4 years ago, Carlos was in the dying process. To keep Carlos lusty, I had Mike draw for Carlos a giant erotic drawing…after all, Mike was a graphic artist…anyway, more drawings followed…growing in complexity, depth, and out-thereness. Ever since Mike has done all my graphics. 4 months ago, I asked Mike when he discovered that he could draw, thinking he would say when he was a kid. But it was only after the third drawing he did for me. It turned out that all his art teachers and graphic bosses had told him that he could not draw…he believed them. This kind of censorship is the most dangerous kind.
Category 2, Topic 3
Message 88 Wed Mar 04, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 01:10 EST
It is a long story, Diane. So I’ll tell it in installments. Somewhere around ’76, I was part of the month-long disabled sit-in at the S.F. Federal Building for the crip civil rights bill. There were all these politicians and celebs coming through, giving us their support, having their pictures taken with us. Werner was 1 of these.
When he got to me, I said “I’m a con man TOO.”
Almost every spiritual teacher, holy man, guru, shaman, etc. I have met knows a part of the job is that of the trickster. So Werner stopped to talk shop with me.…and ended up inviting me to the est mansion on Franklin Street.
I liked him. But he murdered the English language…which led to fuzzy, illogical, unethical thinking…which, in turn, led to the yuppie mentality.
Category 2, Topic 3
Message 93 Thu Mar 05, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 02:42 EST
Chapter 2: We arrived at the mansion. Werner had 4 strong guys carry me in my wheelchair up the stairs…into the fancy den where Werner, Linda, and I talked shop…as his underlings gave us teas, goodies…and took notes.
At the time, I was doing relationship counseling, group workshops, and was just starting to do my 48-hour reality-shaping process.
Werner and I agreed to do each other’s thing so we could then talk deeper. Werner said I and as many of my group who wanted to should first do the est training…for free…and then Werner would do my thing. I talk in my book, CHEROTIC MAGIC, about the est training.
So afterwards, it comes time to arrange for Werner to do my thing. But when we called, we were met by a series of “flappers,” whose job was to keep people away from the boss…even if he didn’t want to be protected. So the flapper would say he/she would find out a date and would call me back…but never did. Just so happened that in est it was the Year of Integrity…doing what you said you would do. So I knew I just had to climb the ladder of flappers to Werner. At every single rung of the ladder, the person did not come thru. And I took notes. So when I finally got to Werner, I said, “You have problems…your whole core group [except the down-to-earth handyman] do not act from integrity…and I’m the one who can fix your problem for you.”
To be continued…
Category 11, Topic 24
Message 1 Tue Apr 06, 1992
F.MOORE7 [SHAMAN] at 22:47 EST
Everybody is dying. That’s just a fact of life. Dying and death are aspects of life. But death is one of the biggest taboos. We do not allow ourselves to think, let alone talk, about dying and death. And this has caused needless suffering. In recent years, AIDS has brought dying and death out of the closet…somewhat. But people with AIDS are not the only people dying. So this topic is where we can talk about dying and death.